Impact Link


Brand identity

Project team
Anh Pham
Khoa Huynh


Impact Link envisions a world where social and environmental impact drive investment decisions alongside financial returns. However, a disconnect persisted between impact-minded investors and the changemakers ready to implement solutions. Impact Link sought to bridge this gap, but needed a brand identity that embodied their collaborative, purpose-driven approach.


Impact Link established itself with the ambitious mission to bridge this gap, creating a vibrant and dynamic ecosystem centered around impact investing. The company offers a comprehensive suite of services including advisory, training and capacity-building programs, and a soon-to-launch impact-focused investing platform. They sought a brand identity that would effectively communicate their mission to a diverse network of investors, entrepreneurs, and social/environmental organizations.

xolve partnered with Impact Link to translate their vision into a strong visual identity. The Impact Link logo skillfully integrates symbolic elements, showcasing a layered sphere as its centerpiece. The outer sphere signifies Impact Link’s global aspirations, while the two interlocking heart shapes represent the convergence of financial success and human well-being that underpins purpose-driven investing. The upward motion of the logo elements evokes progress and positive transformation. A vibrant color palette featuring green, blue, orange, and yellow was selected to reinforce themes of sustainability, trust, innovation, and optimism.


The Impact Link brand identity effectively communicates the company’s core mission – fostering collaboration to drive measurable social and environmental impact. The logo’s thoughtful design and positive imagery resonate with their diverse stakeholders. With a clearly defined brand, Impact Link is positioned to become a leading catalyst in Southeast Asia’s impact investing landscape, accelerating transformative solutions for a more sustainable and equitable future.

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