

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Print Production
Website Development

Project team
Thanh Thao
Han Nguyen
Hanh Duy
Anh Chu
Khoa Huynh


In the heart of Ho Chi Minh City’s vibrant urban landscape, a new generation of dwellers was emerging – young professionals, expats, and digital nomads seeking more than just a roof over their heads. They longed for a living experience that fostered community, connection, and belonging. However, the city’s fragmented housing market, dominated by impersonal options and isolated living arrangements, failed to meet their needs.

Roomio recognized this unmet demand. Inspired by co-founder Thao’s own transformative experiences in co-living spaces around the globe, Roomio envisioned a new paradigm for shared living in Vietnam. Their mission was to create a seamless, affordable, and enjoyable co-living experience that fostered genuine connection and community among like-minded individuals. To achieve this vision, Roomio sought a brand identity that would not only differentiate them in a crowded market but also embody their core values of community, inclusivity, and hassle-free living. They partnered with xolve to bring this vision to life.


xolve immersed themselves in Roomio’s world, understanding their target audience, their aspirations, and their pain points. Through a collaborative process of research, ideation, and refinement, xolve crafted a brand identity that would resonate deeply with those seeking a more meaningful living experience. A pivotal moment in this process was the creation of the name “Roomio.” xolve’s team, recognizing the power of language to shape perception, proposed this playful fusion of “room” and “amigo” (the Spanish word for friend). This wordplay instantly encapsulated Roomio’s core essence: a place where rooms become more than just living spaces; they become havens for friendship and belonging.

The logo design further reinforced this message. The diversely shaped “O”s, while visually appealing, also symbolized the vibrant community Roomio aimed to foster. The subtle resemblance to eggs hinted at the nurturing, incubating environment where connections could flourish. A vibrant, multi-color palette further underscored this celebration of diversity and inclusivity, reflecting the global cultures and perspectives that would converge within the Roomio community. This visual language extended seamlessly to Roomio’s website and marketing materials, ensuring a cohesive and inviting brand experience across all touchpoints. To add a touch of warmth and personality, xolve introduced “Mio,” a lovable brand mascot. Mio’s friendly demeanor and playful spirit embody the welcoming and supportive atmosphere that Roomio strives to create for its residents.


Roomio’s brand identity strikes the perfect balance between professionalism and playfulness. It resonates deeply with its target audience, who are seeking more than just a place to live – they’re looking for a place to belong. The company’s unwavering focus on community, coupled with its user-centric platform and thoughtfully crafted brand, positions Roomio as a trailblazer in redefining the shared living experience in Vietnam.

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