

Brand identity
Website development

Project team
Lam Na Ny
Khoa Huynh


LIN Center for Community Development, a trailblazing organization dedicated to empowering non-profits, volunteers, and donors in Vietnam, recognized a need for a refreshed brand identity. After a decade of impactful work, their existing visual representation no longer resonated with their evolving mission and values. LIN sought a brand refresh that would accurately reflect their multifaceted role as a facilitator, partner, and advocate for sustainable development within Vietnamese communities.


xolve collaborated with LIN to create a brand identity that embodies their commitment to community building and positive change. The new visual system is anchored by a central circle, representing the community as a whole, from which four symmetrical semi-circles radiate outward. This design symbolizes the energy and impact LIN generates, as well as the interconnectedness of various sectors within the community.

The acronym “LIN” itself stands for “Listening, Inspiring, and Nurturing.” The redesigned wordmark features letters of equal width and height, signifying equality and collaboration. The spacing between elements is intentionally amplified to convey the far-reaching impact of LIN’s work. This fresh, dynamic yet purposeful aesthetic accurately reflects the organization’s long-term mission.


The LIN Center for Community Development’s new brand identity has been embraced by stakeholders across the board. The logo’s visual metaphor effectively communicates the organization’s role in fostering a resilient and connected community. The revitalized brand has empowered LIN to more effectively engage with its target audience, further amplifying its impact on sustainable development, poverty alleviation, and citizen participation in Vietnam. The rebranding effort has not only modernized LIN’s image but also reinforced its position as a pioneer in community development within the region.

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